The gameplay elements may still be vintage Far Cry, but the setup is anything butBy allowing players to finally step into the shoes of the iconic villain, it is storytelling that is intimate and complex, all unfolding within the fractured mind of Vaas, the villain first introduced way back in Far Cry 3 and seemingly diedTo see him return in the DLC, alive and well, aligns well with how the Far Cry 5 Lost On Mars DLC Review – It's Hurk Time Mars is a pretty fun place, even if it's not nearly as interesting as Montana Posted By Shubhankar Parijat On 25th, Jul 18 More like 90 Minutes of Darkness "Hours of Darkness" is a bit of a misleading title for this Far Cry 5 expansion, considering your primary objective can Save 75 On Far Cry 5 Lost On Mars On Steam Far cry 5 vietnam dlc review